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Argorath, Allearith, Suriname
Greetings noble visitor. This is my blog, and in it I shall post some of the topics my teacher wants me to talk about... So... I hope you enjoy it... By the way, I will not post any personal information because I've been informed that you, noble visitor, may be a rapist, a stalker, or any form of psychologically twisted devil-kind of person... So, if you are a rapist, stalker, or any kind of psychologically twisted-devil kind of person, I humbly ask you to please don't rape me, stalk me or perform any kind of psychollogically twisted actions. Violations of these terms will result in your obliteration. Ah, by the way, I may be posting some videos with interest content... something with ninjas, lasers, pirates, vodka, and stuff, hooray !

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My favourite movie

So... my favourite movie... I'd have to say it's 300 ? or may be Inception? or perhaps it's Watchmen? There are so many movies, so awesome that's its really hard to tell which one of these would have the honor to carry the title of "My Favourite Movie". In one hand, 300 its a really entertaining movie, full of action, epicness and awesomeness, but it lacks contain... But in the other hand, Inception has a really interesting concept about dreams, and some really cool special effects, and that architect girl is really cute :) And what can I say about the ending? It's a mind f***er. And Watchmen. That was a really great movie too, a quite bit too long, but, excelent special effects, and a very developed content. And the ending is something you don't expect at all.

It's really hard to compare them, because they're really different genres of movies... But, if I have to choose the most entertaining movie of all those three I've mentioned above, 300 gets the price...
300 It's a movie directed by Zack Snyder, and adaptaion of the graphic novel of the same name created by Frank Miller.
As I said above, It lacks of content, but I have a really good time when I went to see it to the cinema. You'll see, back in 2007, I went with my Highschool friends, and I have to admit it... we were, and we're all nuts...
Every single time someone's shouts something in the movie, (For example, when Leonidas kicks the persian messenger to the bottom of the well) We shouted every word they shouted really loud, and people watched us with angry faces, but we kept shouting. It was a awesome, That day was one of the most entertaining days I'd ever had in my life.
Why do I like it? Well, It's full of violence, action, epic speeches, and epic battles... It satisfices my barbarian needs, haha. Well, at least it was that way back in the old days. And as I said before, when I went to see it with my friends, It was really, really fun :)
But, 300 Is Not better than other movies like Inception, Watchmen, The Dark Knight, District 9, Sin City, and so many movies. It's really entertaining, but if you don't like violence, and epicness, then it's better to stay away from this movie. It totally lacks of content, and it's extremely innacurate in historical facts, it's just a bunch of badass guys killing persians in epic ways, with epic speeches. But if you want so see a really good movie (I would say that's my 2nd favorite, if I have to) go and see Inception, That, my noble visitor, is an excelent movie with great content, excelent special effects, great actors, really cute actress <3 and a really mind f***er.


  1. I haven't seen Inception yet, but I'd like to see it. I saw 300 two years ago and despite that isn't the best movie I liked it. Bye sr.

  2. Inception is the best, I mean everything is great, the music, the special effects, the actors, and the end, makes me sad, but it's perfect for the movie.

    Greetings Captain, Yo Ho!

  3. You are right all the movies you name are very good. Although I prefer Inception!

  4. YOJOOO! (ups sorry wrong battle scream), 300 is AMAAAZIIIIING, blood in all direction, swords, speech, death in the air, decapitation etc !, es a very good action movie. Inception is good to. (and i have to said that architech is BEAUTIFUL)

  5. The same story (300) was part of the inspiration for the Walter Hill movie "The Warriors". It's a bit dated but it's a fun movie considering when it was made. I have a copy if you're interested.

  6. wow, 300 is one of the most succesful epic movies, and cannot be forgotten in the collection of mitical histories of any man aajajaaaaa. see yo later.
